Patients Residents & Families

Falls prevention

Most falls occur when a patient is trying to get to or out of the washroom. Sometimes, medications can also make you feel dizzy or weak.

We will assess you getting out of bed or out of a chair, so we know if you need one or two people to help you or if you are able to do it safely by yourself.

You may need a ceiling lift sling to get in and out of your bed, or in and out of the bathtub.

You may also need an alarm on your bed or chair. If this is the case, a bell will ring in the nursing station to let staff know that you are out of the bed or chair. They will come quickly to make sure you are safe.

If you have trouble getting out of bed or out of a chair, ring your call bell and wait for help. If you have fallen, use the call bell. If you cannot reach it, call out for help. Do not move until a nurse or doctor arrives.

If you see that someone else has fallen, do not move that person and call out for help.