We are Bruyère

News and Stories


Mother bruyere

Anniversary of the Birth of our Foundress


Today marks the anniversary of the birth of Mother Élisabeth Bruyère. Born on March 19, 1818, Mother Élisabeth Bruyère was a woman with a warm and compassionate heart who was deeply committed to the needs of the most vulnerable in her community.

She heard a calling to make the service of the poor her way of life at a young age. Throughout her life, she accomplished things that would never have seemed possible given the limited resources available to her. Mother Bruyère was a woman of strength and courage. Her compassion extended to all forms of poverty and misery, and no one who knocked on her door was ever turned away.

We take a moment in our work today to continue her legacy of compassion by living her values of respect, compassion, collaboration, accountability and learning.

Your dedication continues Mother Bruyère’s legacy of compassion and enhances the well-being of all those we serve. Thank you.
– Kirby Kranabetter, Director of Mission, Client Relations and Clinical Ethics