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Research, Long-Term Care, Specialized Hospitals

Seeking Patients and Caregivers to Participate in a Bruyère-to-Home Co-design Project


Advancing the Care Experience in PAlliative care patient Transitions from subacute to Home-Bruyère (ACEPATH-Bruyère): Co-designing an intervention to improve patient and family caregiver experiences​

Patient Inclusion Criteria:
Must have experienced a subacute-to-home transition while receiving a palliative approach to care at Bruyère

Family Caregiver Inclusion Criteria:
Must be providing informal support for a patient who meets the above criteria

All participants must:

  • Be 19 years of age or older
  • Be fluent in English or French
  • Have the capacity to consent

What you’ll be asked to do:

  1. Participate in a 60-minute workshop where you will be asked to reflect on your experience transitioning from Bruyère-to-home. Workshops are offered in English and French.
  2. Complete an online 5-minute demographic questionnaire using Microsoft Forms.

Pending participant preferences, workshops will either be in-person at Saint Vincent Hospital, Élisabeth Bruyère Hospital, or virtually using Microsoft Teams.

You will be compensated for your time.

Interested in participating?

Contact the research coordinator:

Name: Taylor Shorting
Email: TShorting@bruyere.org
Leave a voicemail: 613-562-6262 ext. 1648


Principal Investigators: Dr. Jill Rice and Sarina Isenberg, PhD

This study has been reviewed and approved by the Bruyère Continuing Care Research Ethics Board. REB# M16-23-033.