Bruyère Research Institute

Bruyère RI Board of Directors

Bruyère Research Institute is a not-for-profit corporation governed by a board of directors.


Our Officers

Ella Mar, Chair

Mitchell Kutney, Vice-Chair 

Claude Briand, Treasurer

Dr. Kumanan Wilson, President and Secretary


Our Directors

Bruyère Continuing Care Representatives

Guy Chartrand

Peggy Taillon

Erin Crowe 


Academic Institution Representatives

Lucie Thibault, PhD

Dr. Dar Dowlatshahi, PhD
Martine Lagacé, PhD


Community Members

David Brook

James Wishart

Thomas Conway

Claude Briand

Ella Mar

Mitchell Kutney

Justin Winchiu
Julie Pandeya


Ex-Officio Member

Dr. Kumanan Wilson


Board Meetings

2024-2025 meeting schedule:

  • October 10, 2024
  • December 12, 2024
  • March 20, 2025
  • June 26, 2025 - AGM and regular meeting

Meetings follow an approved agenda subject to the direction of the chair of the board at each meeting. Anyone wishing to attend or bring matters to the attention of the board may do so by contacting:


Navdeep Kaur
