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Transforming the specialist referral and consultation process in Canada


In a recent commentary published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Drs. Clare Liddy and Erin Keely make a case for the transformation of specialist referral processes in Canada.

Canadians take pride in their universal, publicly funded health care system. However, lengthy wait times to see a specialist are a problem. These wait times are caused by myriad factors, one of which being the complex administrative processes associated with the referral process.

eConsult and eReferral systems hold promise to help improve access to specialists and improve care. As discussion continue on how best to implement eConsult and eReferral systems into regular clinical practice, Drs. Liddy and Keely stress that developments moving forward should focus on the needs of patients.

“A successful service must be grounded in patient priorities,” they explain, “including access and safety, without ignoring provider satisfaction and system efficiencies.”
These principles are central to the betterment of an electronic specialist referral system.
You can read their full commentary on the CMAJ website.