Report to our community 2017-18

Our Healthcare Journey with Bruyère

The story of Yves and Huguette Lorrain

an aging man and woman smilling 

Yves and Huguette met nearly 30 years ago as young adults while they were working to
establish their own careers.

They developed a close friendship which over time evolved into a romantic relationship. Within their first year together, the couple knew they wanted to share a life together, to have a family and to grow the hopes and dreams they shared. After marrying, they established a home in the country where they lived for 35 years enjoying life and managing challenges together.




Their journey with Bruyère began when they learned about the Bruyère Village development from friends.

Looking to move into a new environment as they aged, they visited the Village and fell in love with the environment and the building itself. They fully embraced the concept of living within a continuum of care. Recognizing that Bruyère might be the right place for them, they decided to relocate and, in November 2012, moved in as one of the first
residents of this new development.


“When a room was offered at Saint-Louis Residence, it was extraordinary that we could be together again.” —Huguette Lorrain

As more residents moved in, the Village began to feel like home. Huguette started off as a volunteer supporting residents in the long-term care home. She joined the bazaar team to raise monies for the long-term care residents. When the couple moved to the Bruyère Village in 2012, Yves was already experiencing some medical issues and back discomfort. Over the next three years, his medical needs became more complex. He developed Parkinson’s disease and also had hip replacement surgery.

These health conditions led to other issues including recurring infections, increased frailty and dependence on his wife for support and care. Yves was admitted to hospital several times and upon return home each time his caregiving needs were an increasing strain on his wife. In 2016, the Lorrains realized that their life was changing and accepted the reality that care at home was no longer possible. Once again, Bruyère would be a part of their life journey.


In May 2016, Yves was admitted to Bruyère’s Saint-Vincent Hospital for enhanced care and support in its specialized program for people with Parkinson’s. After spending a year and a half in the program, the level of care required by Yves changed again, and he was placed on the waitlist for a long-term care home. In April 2018 by chance, an opening became available at Saint-Louis Residence, a long-term care home located at the Bruyère Village. Huguette said “When a room
was offered at Saint-Louis Residence, it was extraordinary that we could be
together again.”

an aging man and woman smillingLife has come full circle. Huguette is able to visit Yves often since they are living on the same site. They spend time together walking outside, talking and praying together. Yves’s room faces south and Huguette’s apartment faces north giving a direct line of sight between them. They can see each other and communicate through their windows! 


Huguette recognizes that Yves gets excellent care in his new home at Saint-Louis Residence. He finds it homey and there are many different activities to participate in.

Yves and Huguette are close once again. Their life journey has seen many changes, but Bruyère has been there at every step of that journey to accommodate their ever changing healthcare needs as they age.

Today, they remain together, both benefitting from the continuum offered within the Bruyère family of programs and services.