Paul C. Hébert
Senior Investigator
Full Professor
University of Ottawa
Palliative Care Physician
Bruyère Health
CHUM Research Centre (CRCHUM)
Adjunct Professor of Medicine
University of Montreal
Scientific Director
Ontario Public Health Emergencies Science Advisory Committee
Dr. Paul Hébert a professor of medicine and researcher at the University of Ottawa as well as a practicing palliative and critical care physician. He held the Héma-Québec – Bayer Chair in Transfusion Medicine (2016-2022) and was formerly the Chair of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (2016-2020) – one of the world’s top research networks in the field of critical care. In 2022 he was appointed as the Scientific Director of the Ontario Public Health Emergencies Science Advisory Committee.
As a researcher, he is best known for several seminal studies examining the clinical consequences of transfusion practice, including the ground-breaking trial, "Transfusion Requirements in Critical Care (TRICC)" published in the New England Journal of Medicine (1999). This study has affected how clinicians approach blood transfusion in the critically ill and in other acute care settings worldwide, and he was an initiating member of the University of Ottawa Centre for Transfusion Research.
He has helped shape the national scientific and health agenda through various leadership roles. From 2007 to 2011 he was Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), and from 2008 to 2010, he was the Executive Director and strategic lead for the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR), a partnered initiative led by CIHR with a vision, several targeted initiatives and scientific programming to improve health outcomes through research.
Dr. Hébert has been the principal investigator or co-investigator of more than 50 peer reviewed research projects, managed over 63 million in research project funding, and has published over 400 articles in peer reviewed journals. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academies of Health Sciences.
Research Interests:
Transfusion and resuscitation, frailty, palliative care and social prescribing, clinical research, evaluative epidemiology.
Select Publications:
Mowbray FI, Turcotte L, Strum RP, de Wit K, Griffith LE, Worster A, Foroutan F, Heckman G, Hébert P, Schumacher C, Jones A, Mercier E, Gayowsky A, Costa AP. (2023). Prognostic association between frailty and post-arrest health outcomes in patients receiving home care: a population-based retrospective cohort study. Resuscitation.
Mowbray FI, Jones A, Strum RP, Turcotte L, Foroutan F, de Wit K, Worster A, Griffith LE, Hébert P, Heckman G, Ko DT, Schumacher C, Gayowsky A, Costa AP. (2022). Prognosis of cardiac arrest in home care clients and nursing home residents: A population-level retrospective cohort study. Resuscitation Plus.
Turcotte L, Heckman G, Hébert P, Weir J, Mulla R, Hirdes JP. (2022). Qualité des soins dans les établissements de soins de longue durée canadiens accueillant différents groupes linguistiques. Santé publique.
Welch V, Ghogomu E, Barbeau V, Dowling S, Doyle R, Beveridge E, Boulton E, Desai P, Huang J, Elmestekawy N, Hussain T, Wadhwani A, Boutin S, Haitas N, Kneale D, Salzwedel DM, Simard R, Hébert P, Mikton C. (2022). Digital interventions to reduce social isolation and loneliness in older adults: An evidence and gap map. SocArXiv.
Heckman GA, Hirdes JP, Hébert P, Costa A, Onder G, Declercq A, Nova A, Chen J, McKelvie RS. (2021). Assessments of heart failure and frailty-related health instability provide complementary and useful information for home-care planning and prognosis. Canadian Journal of Cardiology.