Patients Residents & Families



Visiting Privileges and Guidelines for Pet Owners

Bruyère believes in the therapeutic benefits that our animal friends can bring. In fact some of our own programs include pet therapy. However, in order to ensure proper infection prevention and control, as well as to protect others who, for health or other reasons, should not be in contact with animals, the following guidelines must be maintained by the pet owners or pet visiting privileges will be curtailed or suspended.


Because we know of the joy they can bring to patients, residents and even staff, four-legged friends are always welcome as long as they have been fully immunized and a member of the staff is aware of and has approved their visit in advance.

For the safety of all people at our facilities, the following guidelines have been established for bringing pets in for a visit with a patient:

  • Only cats and dogs are permitted to visit
  • Pets may visit only during regular visiting hours
  • Pets are only permitted to visit in patient rooms and may not be brought into public spaces, except while being transported to a patient room, nor brought to public events or activities
  • To reduce the risk of infection, proper hand hygiene must be practiced (wash hands or use an alcohol based rub product) before and after handling the animal. Human contact should be limited to the relevant patient and visitor (no other patients or staff should touch the animal) during the visit

Before a visit pet owners are responsible to ensure that the pet is:

  • Fully immunized (all vaccinations up to date)
  • Clean
  • Housebroken
  • Free of disease (particularly of diarrhea, worms and fleas)
  • Quiet, obedient, good tempered and predictable
  • Leashed or caged at all times, with a muzzle as necessary
  • Exercised before the visit

During a visit with a pet the owner must:

  • Stay with the pet at all times, and immediately clean any animal waste should a mishap occur (Staff will provide supplies for the clean up and disinfection.)
  • Report any scratch or injury made by the pet to a patient, resident, staff, volunteer or other visitor
  • Be responsible for the pet’s actions including any injury or damage caused
  • Have proof of the pets vaccination available at all times

Owners whose pet presents a threat to health or whose behaviour does not conform with our guidelines will be asked to leave with the pet immediately, and may not be permitted to return, as determined by our staff.


Visits with pets may be restricted during an outbreak situation.