Resident Vacation and Casual Absences
Residents in long-term care homes are entitled to:
- Up to 21 days of vacation during a calendar year.
- Casual leaves (includes outings) not exceeding 48 hours during a one week period (calculated from midnight Saturday to midnight the following Saturday).
Prior to the absence
- The resident or the person accepting responsibility is required to give sufficient notice prior to the leave (three days’ notice if medications need to be prepared).
- A physician or a nurse will go over the care required during the absence.
- As required, the necessary medications and treatments will be provided for the leave.
- Upon departure, and again upon return, the resident or person accepting responsibility must complete the Sign-out, Sign-in Book for Residents located at the nursing station. For the safety of our residents, it is important that we know where residents are and when they plan to return.
- Residents who are capable of going out unaccompanied will discuss any identified risks or care requirements with the nursing staff. To ensure the residents' safety, their ability to go out alone will be assessed and reassessed regularly.
During the absence
- The long-term care home is not responsible for the resident's care, safety and well-being during the absence.
- It is essential that the resident or person accepting responsibility takes all reasonable steps to ensure that care required is provided during the absence.
- The resident or person accepting responsibility assumes full responsibility for the care, safety and well-being of the resident during the absence.
- The resident or person accepting responsibility is responsible for the loss or damage of any borrowed equipment.
- If there is an emergency during the absence, the resident must go to an acute care hospital and notify the long-term care home as soon as possible.
- If the resident’s return date or time changes, the resident or person accepting responsibility must contact the long-term care home. Otherwise, the long-term care home will be required to follow our process for missing residents (code yellow) which can include notifying the Ottawa police. It is important that we know where residents are and when they plan to return.
- If there are any problems during the leave, please call the long-term care home at any time and/or report any incident or concerns upon return from the leave.
- During the leave, all usual costs will continue, including co-payments and preferred accommodation charges.
To contact the Saint-Louis Residence at any time during your leave: 613-562-6262, ext. 2681.
To contact the Élisabeth-Bruyère Residence at any time during your leave: 613-562-6262, ext. 1781.